This portable power supply is a single-phase alternating current supply unit with digital display, separate windings…
The laboratory variable transformers from the REOLINE Plus AC-SG / A series are equipped with an analog display,…
The laboratory variable transformers of the series REOLINE are equipped with digital display, autowindings and continuously adjustable output voltage…
If a cooling cycle already exists, a water-cooled resistive load bank is the alternative …
Applications: These load units are designed for continuous operation and are used for endurance testing of converters and switch mode power supplies for railway applications…
Applications: These load units are designed for continuous operation and are used for endurance testing…
Single-phase voltage supplies with separate windings and motor drive…
REOLAB 420 the ideal test system for the DC supply…
The high-voltage supply unit is intended for testing current converters in the energy sector…
For endurance tests up to 5 kV, the high-voltage supply with galvanic isolation provides the entire power …
For endurance tests up to 5 kV, the high-voltage supply with galvanic
REO high-current supplyies are used wherever DUTs, with several thousand amperes have to be tested, particulary switching devices…
This is the ideal answer for every laboratory requiring a variable voltage source with manual or automatic adjustment…
The REO transformer NTT 400 D is designed for on-board power supplies, which are fed by the auxiliary converter.The transformer NTT 400 D is the complete, ready to use…