Control unit for a motor -driven variable transformers The REO controller NLR 7000 is used for constant…
The current limiting inductor limits the short-circuit…
The braking resistor REOHM 154 protects the machine from a voltage rise in the intermediate circuit, if an …
These chokes are used in test laboratories as load chokes.
The resistor NTT RD 158 is a water-cooled damping resistor, which is used for traction in railway applications.
Drive inverters or output filters must be tested at rated current by using typically motor-generators.
Watercooled chokes are available are available with ingress protection ratings IP00 to IP65. REO can…
Die DC-Stromversorgungen aus der Baureihe REOTRON SMP sind primärgetaktete Schaltnetzteile mit galvanischer Trennung vom Eingang zum Ausgang.
The REOTRON SMP power supplies are primary switched power supplies with galvanic separation from the input to the output
The REOTRON SMP power supplies are primary switched power supplies with galvanic separation from the input to the output.
The REOTRON SMP power supplies are primary switched power supplies with galvanic separation from the…
The range of REOVIB System 500 modules comprises phase-angle controllers for vibratory feeders and a timer module used with systems that have…
REOTRON MDW thyristor controllers are used in industrial process engineering, especially in applications where accurate regulation…
The firing & control units MDZ 2000 have been designed for the control of current converter installations, e.g. in electroplating plants…