Frequency converters for motor drives, wind power installations and power supply units…
Recommended filter for suppressing interference according to EN 55011, Class A and EN 61800-3, category C2.
Sinusoidal output current – save costs and trouble-free operation…
Voltage rise (<200V / us) and distortion reduce - protect electrical consumers optimally...
Reduce voltage rice to < 500V/µs – electrical consumrs and insulation will protected with low costs…
Power Noise Reduction – save energy costs. The DC-link choke is used for smoothing the DC link current and to reduce mains harmonics in voltage source inverters….
Power Noise Reduction – save energy costs. The DC-link choke is used for smoothing the DC link…
Power Noise Reduction – save up to 20% energy costs….
Power Noise Reduction – save up to 15% energy costs…
Power Noise Reduction – save up to 20% energy costs…